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How to Get Rid of Black Gums Home Remedy

Black gums home remedies

Black gums home remedies

Gum colour is different in everyone and can very greatly from person to person. Changes in colour of the gums can be a sign of an underlying health problem, so it is important to talk to a doctor to diagnose and determine the cause of dark gums. Abnormal production of the element melanin is mostly responsible for the dark colour gums. However, there can be other causes including underlying medical condition, medication, smoking and certain lifestyle factors. If the gum colour changes in a short span of time, but there are black patches visible on the gums, then it is surely not caused by melanin and be a sign of some medical problem. There are some simple natural ingredients that can help in lighting those dark gums, and even contribute towards healthy gums. Some people even find dark or black gums embarrassing and they often shy away from smiling properly. One can go for medical treatment at a dentist to get rid of this dental issue. However, you can talk to an expert regarding some remedies as well. Keep reading to know about some effective home remedies to get rid of black gums.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is extracted from a tree that native to Australia. It is mainly a beneficial oil that is extracted from the leaves of this tree. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using even a small drop of this oil can help you in controlling harmful oral bacteria, as well as reduce inflammation. The oil is known to have properties that can lighten the pigment in gums for some people. Even if it does not work for to treat dark gums, eucalyptus oil is an excellent remedy for good dental health. Eucalyptus is also known for its medicinal properties similar to basil. Eucalyptus essential oil is also used in many pain relieving creams and ointments. Apart from these benefits, eucalyptus oil has a very calming and refreshing fragrance. According to a study published in the Alternative Medicine Review, it was concluded that eucalyptol has antimicrobial properties that can fight bacteria that causes illnesses.

Sage leaves

Sage leaves

Another plant-based home remedy to get rid of black gums is sage leaves. You can apply it on your gums in numerous ways. Along with dark gums, sage leaves can also play a role in making your gums pink and healthy. The extract from these leaves works as a tonic for your gums. Moreover, sage leaves can also be applied directly to the teeth and gums, added in a tea, or even juiced to get beneficial extract. Add a few sage leaves into boiling water and boil for around 10 minutes. Then, use it as a mouthwash for about 2-3 minutes. In fact, you can simply rub the sage leaves on your gums to help in preventing the blackness instantly. Sage also acts as a natural cleaning agent, pesticide and ritual object in spiritual sage burning or smudging. Sage has a very strong fragrance and earthy flavor, because of which it is used in very small amounts. Sage also contains little amounts of magnesium, zinc, copper and vitamins A, C and E, and it offers a wide range of health benefits. 



Even spices such as cloves are also a useful home remedy to treat black gums. It is an Indonesian spice which contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial antiseptic and analgesic properties that help in fighting several infections, especially dental issues. Clove is considered good for your oral hygiene. It is a very helpful natural remedy that can lighten black gums. You just have to crush the cloves and you can even add some honey to apply in on your gums. Cloves are  filled with antioxidants and are good for your dental health. Cloves can be easily added in your diet as it has a great aroma and it also used in traditional medicine. Cloves have fiber, vitamins, and minerals present in them. It can be used as a whole or ground cloves to enhance the flavor in your food and can provide some essential nutrients to the body.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is very popular for its several health benefits and your gums can also get an edge with this beverage. Green tea contains powerful healing properties and it is loaded with antioxidants. The natural compounds present in green tea have the ability of fighting various types of harmful bacteria, including the ones that can be turn your gums into black or brownish colour. One can drink green tea to improve your gums and it will also help in enhancing many other aspects of your health at the same time. Green tea also has bioactive compounds that can help in fighting several infections. Green tea is an aid for weight loss and is used for this purpose by a lot of people. According to many studies, green tea is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of black or dark gums.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil

Sesame is known to have toxin drawing properties and sesame oil can be used as an effective home remedy to remove plaque and tartar buildup. Removing these harmful elements helps in maintaining good dental health. Swish a few drops of sesame oil in your mouth after brushing. It is best to heat the oil before use to make it more effective in toxin absorption. Reducing plaque and tarter can help in bringing back your healthy colour to your mouth very quickly. For desired results, swish with a small amount of the oil daily. To add more benefit to it, make the oil lukewarm, to absorb toxins in a better way. The seeds come from the sesame or Sesamum indicum plant. Sesame seeds contain high amounts of protein and B-vitamins, but sesame oil does not have any protein or a lot of the important vitamins and minerals. Sesame oil is one of the best home remedies to treat black or dark gums.

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel

Since ancient times, aloe vera gel is being used for various purposes. It is extracted from the aloe barbadensis leaf and has a wide range of benefits. It is a multi purpose home remedy that is scientifically proven and effective in treating various skin and hair care problems, and even dark gums. You can add this natural ingredient  The anti-inflammatory and other beneficial properties present in aloe vera can not only lighten those dark gums but also help in maintaining your gums, all healthy and pink naturally. You have to gently massage the your gums using aloe vera gel, to get rid of the black colour. In addition, aloe Vera should surely be added to your beauty care routine as it can not only lighten your black gums but this gel is beneficial for your health as well. 

How to Get Rid of Black Gums Home Remedy
